The Oil Age 1.1
seize cm
A 148x80
B 111x60
C 74x40
D 37x20
2008 11 27 . The Disorder of Things . Vienna . Semperdepot >
cc by-nc-sa erika artaker
pipeline map

The Ages
1700 – 1799  Feudal System [1789 fighted by the french revolution] [1748 - 1759]
1800 – 1899  The Industrial Age[1760-]
1900 – 1999  The Oil Age [=2nd Industrial revolution . 1870 Standard Oil / John D Rockefeller. . 1910 Ford Model T]
2000 – 2029  The Age of Processing
2000 – 2029  The Analytic Age
2030 –  The Age of the Engineers [scalability] scalability is the capability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged in order to accommodate that growth. [Bondi, André B. 2000]. + science and academic focus
1  United States 793,285 petroleum products 244,620 km; natural gas 548,665 km
2  Russia 246,982 condensate 122 km; gas 158,767 km; liquid petroleum gas 127 km; oil 74,285 km; refined products 13,658 km; water 23 km
3  Canada 98,544 crude and refined oil 23,564 km; liquid petroleum gas 74,980 km
4  China 58,082 gas 28,132 km; oil 20,204 km; refined products 9,746 km
5  Ukraine 42,052 gas 33,327 km; oil 4,514 km; refined products 4,211 km
6  Mexico 40,016 gas 22,705 km; liquid petroleum gas 1,875 km; oil 8,688 km; oil/gas/water 228 km; refined products 6,520 km
7  Argentina 37,370 gas 28,657 km; liquid petroleum gas 41 km; oil 5,607 km; refined products 3,052 km; unknown (oil/water) 13 km
8  Iran 36,509 condensate 7 km; condensate/gas 397 km; gas 19,161 km; liquid petroleum gas 570 km; oil 8,438 km; refined products 7,936 km
9  Germany 32,505 condensate 37 km; gas 25,094 km; oil 3,546 km; refined products 3,828 km
10  Australia 31,258 condensate/gas 469 km; gas 26,719 km; liquid petroleum gas 240 km; oil 3,720 km; oil/gas/water 110 km
11  United Kingdom 29,167 condensate 567 km; condensate/gas 22 km; gas 18,980 km; liquid petroleum gas 59 km; oil 4,930 km; oil/gas/water 165 km; refined products 4,444 km
12  Algeria 24,679 condensate 1,532 km; gas 13,861 km; liquid petroleum gas 2,408 km; oil 6,878 km
13  India 23,663 condensate/gas 9 km; gas 7,488 km; liquid petroleum gas 1,861 km; oil 7,883 km; refined products 6,422 km
14  Kazakhstan 23,211 condensate 658 km; gas 11,082 km; oil 10,376 km; refined products 1,095 km
15  France 22,644 gas 14,665 km; oil 3,032 km; refined products 4,947 km
16  Brazil 22,289 condensate/gas 244 km; gas 12,070 km; liquid petroleum gas 351 km; oil 5,214 km; refined products 4,410 km
17  Italy 20,121 gas 18,863 km; oil 1,258 km
18  Indonesia 18,960 condensate 963 km; condensate/gas 81 km; gas 9,003 km; oil 7,471 km; oil/gas/water 77 km; refined products 1,365 km
19  Venezuela 15,790 extra heavy crude oil 992 km; gas 5,400 km; oil 7,607 km; refined products 1,650 km; unknown (oil/water) 141 km
20  Poland 15,713 gas 13,552 km; oil 1,384 km; refined products 777 km
21  Egypt 14,430 condensate 483 km; condensate/gas 74 km; gas 6,466 km; liquid petroleum gas 957 km; oil 5,518 km; oil/gas/water 37 km; refined products 895 km
22  Colombia 13,614 gas 4,329 km; oil 6,140 km; refined products 3,145 km
23  Norway 12,938 condensate 508 km; gas 6,529 km; oil 2,444 km; oil/gas/water 457 km
24  Pakistan 12,474 gas 10,398 km; oil 2,076 km
25  Spain 11,925 gas 7,858 km; oil 622 km; refined products 3,445 km
26  Nigeria 11,647 condensate 124 km; gas 3,071 km; liquid petroleum gas 156 km; oil 4,347 km; refined products 3,949 km
27  Libya 11,263 condensate 882 km; gas 3,425 km; oil 6,956 km
28  Turkey 11,147 gas 7,511 km; oil 3,636 km
29  Uzbekistan 10,593 gas 9,725 km; oil 868 km
30  Iraq 10,314 gas 2,250 km; liquid petroleum gas 918 km; oil 5,509 km; refined products 1,637 km
31  Bolivia 9,218 gas 4,860 km; liquid petroleum gas 47 km; oil 2,475 km; refined products 1,589 km; unknown (oil/water) 247 km
32  Saudi Arabia 8,944 condensate 212 km; gas 1,880 km; liquid petroleum gas 1,183 km; oil 4,521 km; refined products 1,148 km
33  Netherlands 8,769 condensate 81 km; gas 7,394 km; oil 578 km; refined products 716 km
34  Belarus 8,508 gas 5,250 km; oil 1,528 km; refined products 1,730 km
35  Turkmenistan 7,802 gas 6,441 km; oil 1,361 km
36  Oman 7,684 gas 4,126 km; oil 3,558 km
37  Czech Republic 7,651 gas 7,010 km; oil 547 km; refined products 94 km
38  Malaysia 7,438 condensate 282 km; gas 5,273 km; oil 1,750 km; oil/gas/water 19 km; refined products 114 km
39  Slovakia 7,185 gas 6,769 km; oil 416 km
40  United Arab Emirates 6,839 condensate 520 km; gas 2,908 km; liquid petroleum gas 300 km; oil 2,950 km; oil/gas/water 5 km; refined products 156 km
41  Azerbaijan 6,293 gas 3,857 km; oil 2,436 km
42  Romania 6,098 gas 3,674 km; oil 2,424 km
43  Sudan ?????? 5,839 gas 156 km; oil 4,070 km; refined products 1,613 km
44  Hungary 5,722 gas 4,397 km; oil 990 km; refined products 335 km
45  Chile 4,987 gas 2,550 km; gas/liquid petroleum gas 42 km; liquid petroleum gas 539 km; oil 1,002 km; refined products 757 km; unknown (oil/water) 97 km
46  Syria 4,794 gas 2,794 km; oil 2,000 km
47  Denmark 4,703 condensate 11 km; gas 4,073 km; oil 617 km; oil/gas/water 2 km
48  Thailand 4,701 gas 4,381 km; refined products 320 km
49  Tunisia 4,253 gas 2,665 km; oil 1,235 km; refined products 353 km
50  Japan 4,213 gas 3,939 km; oil 170 km; oil/gas/water 104 km
51  South Africa 3,648 condensate 100 km; gas 1,177 km; oil 992 km; refined products 1,379 km
52  Peru 3,627 gas 1,181 km; gas/liquid petroleum gas 61 km; liquid natural gas 106 km; liquid petroleum gas 517 km; oil 1,749 km; refined products 13 km
53  Austria 3,542 gas 2,722 km; oil 663 km; refined products 157 km
54  Burma 3,348 gas 2,790 km; oil 558 km
55  Qatar 3,329 condensate 322 km; condensate/gas 209 km; gas 1,970 km; liquid petroleum gas 87 km; oil 741 km
56  Ecuador 3,223 extra heavy crude oil 578 km; gas 71 km; oil 1,389 km; refined products 1,185 km
57  Bulgaria 2,995 gas 2,500 km; oil 339 km; refined products 156 km
58  New Zealand 2,947 condensate 331 km; gas 1,896 km; liquid petroleum gas 172 km; oil 288 km; refined products 260 km
59  Georgia 2,844 gas 1,591 km; oil 1,253 km
60  Bangladesh 2,644 gas 2,644 km
61  Serbia 2,314 gas 1,921 km; oil 393 km
62  Korea, South 2,309 gas 1,482 km; refined products 827 km
63  Belgium 2,255 gas 1,562 km; oil 158 km; refined products 535 km
64  Croatia 2,139 gas 1,556 km; oil 583 km
65  Trinidad and Tobago 2,128 condensate 245 km; gas 1,320 km; oil 563 km
66  Lithuania 2,044 gas 1,695 km; oil 228 km; refined products 121 km
67  Armenia 2,036 gas 2,036 km
68  Moldova 1,980 gas 1,980 km
69  Switzerland 1,882 gas 1,781 km; oil 94 km; refined products 7 km
70  Ireland 1,855 gas 1,855 km
71  Gabon 1,811 gas 384 km; oil 1,427 km
72  Latvia 1,445 gas 948 km; oil 82 km; refined products 415 km
73  Yemen 1,402 gas 71 km; liquid petroleum gas 22 km; oil 1,309 km
74  Portugal 1,297 gas 1,098 km; oil 11 km; refined products 188 km
75  Greece 1,315 gas 1,240 km; oil 75 km
76  Mozambique 1,242 gas 964 km; refined products 278 km
77  Angola 1,220 gas 234 km; liquid petroleum gas 85 km; oil 896 km; oil/gas/water 5 km
78  Vietnam 1,197 condensate/gas 432 km; gas 510 km; oil 49 km; refined products 206 km
79  Tanzania 1,172 gas 287 km; oil 891 km
80  Morocco 1,159 gas 720 km; oil 439 km
81  Cameroon 1,142 gas 27 km; liquid petroleum gas 5 km; oil 1,110 km
82  Brunei 1,135 gas 672 km; oil 463 km
83  Kenya 900 refined products 900 km
84  Kuwait 866 gas 269 km; oil 540 km; refined products 57 km
85  Israel 863 gas 160 km; oil 442 km; refined products 261 km
86  Estonia 859 gas 859 km
87  Congo, Republic of the 851 gas 89 km; liquid petroleum gas 4 km; oil 758 km
88  Slovenia 851 gas 840 km; oil 11 km
89  Philippines 805 gas 565 km; oil 135 km; refined products 105 km
90  Sweden 798 gas 798 km
91  Zambia 771 oil 771 km
92  Finland 694 gas 694 km
93  Taiwan 686 condensate 25 km; gas 661 km
94  Tajikistan 587 gas 549 km; oil 38 km
95  Albania 546 gas 339 km; oil 207 km
96  Laos 540 refined products 540 km
97  Guatemala 480 oil 480 km
98  Jordan 475 gas 426 km; oil 49 km
99  Afghanistan 466 gas 466 km
100  Cote d'Ivoire 459 condensate 102 km; gas 245 km; oil 112 km
101  Uruguay 417 gas 257 km; oil 160 km
102  Macedonia 388 gas 268 km; oil 120 km
103  Ghana 329 oil 13 km; refined products 316 km
104  Cuba 279 gas 49 km; oil 230 km
105  Kyrgyzstan 270 gas 254 km; oil 16 km
106  Zimbabwe 270 refined products 270 km
107  Papua New Guinea 264 oil 264 km
108  Chad 250 oil 250 km
109  Costa Rica 242 refined products 242 km
110  Equatorial Guinea 181 condensate 42 km; condensate/gas 5 km; gas 80 km; oil 54 km
111  Luxembourg 155 gas 155 km
112  Korea, North 154 oil 154 km
113  Singapore 147 gas 139 km; refined products 8 km
114  Congo, Democratic Republic of the 133 gas 62 km; oil 71 km
115  Bahrain 72 gas 20 km; oil 52 km
116  Nicaragua 54 oil 54 km
117  Suriname 50 oil 50 km
118  Lebanon 43 gas 43 km
119  Senegal 43 gas 43 km
120  Liechtenstein 20 gas 20 km
The Oil Agea2.2 – 2.2
screen-shots from:
a2.1 Goldfinger . 1964 . Shirley Eaton /Jill Masterson
a2.2 Quantum of Solace . 2008 . Gemma Arterton / Agent Fields
December 27th, 2022